
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 EuroTalk Interactive - World Talk! Danish


就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 EuroTalk Interactive - World Talk! Danish


[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 EuroTalk Interactive - World Talk! Danish


[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 EuroTalk Interactive - World Talk! Danish


Contains 10 language games; including 'Lottery numbers', 'What did you say', 'Sentence building', 'Out to dinner' and others to help you learn, test and practice your new language skills

Quickfire TV quiz - challenge a friend, or the computer to improve your Spanish skills

Dictation - six stories to give you practice in dictation and comprehension at your own pace

Automatic localization - lets you choose the language you learn from with over 50 languages available to choose from

Printable worksheets that you can take with you anywhere

World Talk is aimed at intermediate level learners who have already built up some confidence listening to and speaking one of the 100+ languages we offer. The interactive games and quizzes will help to further develop fluency and understanding of the language. It is recommended that if you are new to language learning and the Eurotalk line of language learning CD-ROM's that you begin with our beginning series Talk Now! and then Talk More before advancing to the intermediate/advanced levels that World Talk offers.

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces

ASIN: B00117P8CG

Item model number: 51656

[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 EuroTalk Interactive - World Talk! Danish

相關 [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 EuroTalk Interactive - World Talk! Danish


調酒師結合生活經驗與專業技術創作酒款,造就每杯雞尾酒獨特奧祕。誠品行旅推出「法魂台魅|餐酒快閃夜」活動,17日晚間邀冠軍調酒師Jake Page與誠品西餐總主廚林玉罡,2個人、4雙手共譜餐食盛宴。

林玉罡依據調酒調性搭配菜色,以台灣食材結合西式烹飪手法,推出摩登東北九孔鮑、杜洛克豬割包、懷舊肋眼牛排蓋飯與古早薑汁芝麻花生麻糬4道料理,其中「懷舊肋眼牛排蓋飯」適合搭配調酒「Orchard Drive」品嘗,酒體風味明亮帶出牛肉香氣。甜點「古早薑汁芝麻花生麻糬」入口麻糬軟Q薑汁香氣濃郁,佐以Breakfast with Carole滋味一絕。同步邀「2017君度橙酒之家雞尾酒大賽/La Maison Cointreau」(簡稱LCM)調酒冠軍Jake Page來台,帶來4款比賽得獎雞尾酒,為食家饕客帶來五感體驗。第三屆「BWT台灣國際調酒師週/Bartender’s Week Taiwan」即日起至18日舉行,10位世界級調酒大師齊聚KOR Taipei舉辦「調酒大師講座」。Jake Page將以君度橙酒代表身分來台,出席消費者調酒活動。台灣國際調酒師周創辦人Aki Wang表示,藉由活動提供調酒師國際舞台,在切磋中碰撞出全新火花。酒後不開車 安全有保障(中國時報)

[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 EuroTalk Interactive - World Talk! Danish


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