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[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Jumpstart 3D Preschool & Kindergarten


[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Jumpstart 3D Preschool & Kindergarten


Fun-filled 2 CD set uses JumpStart's unique adventure-based learning system to help children build self-confidence and master important Preschool and Kindergarten concepts

Children learn over 50 skills based on National Educational Standards and practice over 50 math, reading and critical thinking skills

3D design and adaptive play immerse each child in a world of imagination and learning; Kids use school smarts to conquer challenges and solve exciting puzzles

Kids personalize the world by selecting an avatar, decorating a house and creating artwork to display

Parents can customize their kids' game play an even send special messages through the game

This fun-filled 2 CD set uses JumpStart s unique adventure-based learning system to help children build self-confidence and master important Preschool and Kindergarten concepts. Children learn over 50 skills based on National Educational Standards and practice over 50 math reading and critical thinking skills. In CD 1 (Preschool) Frankie and other JumpStart friends help children get ready for school with 12 challenging learning activities. In CD 2 (Kindergarten) children discover over 35 fun-filled learning activities and practice Kindergarten basics in a colorful musical world! With this 2-CD set kids can: Design an unique avatar and decorate a house Choose from over 15 pets to adopt and nurture: groom feed and buy accessories for the pet to wear Complete missions to unlock storybooks ack up gems and then trade them in for pets accesso-ries or other great prizes to decorate the world Get creative by adding personal photos and artworkKey Features: Unique 3D design and adaptive play immerse each child in a whimsical world of imagination and learning Friendly JumpStart characters offer encouragement panionship and directions along the road to discovery Kids personalize the world by selecting an avatar decorating a house and creating artwork to display Parents can customize their kids game play an even send special messages through the game Kids use their school smarts to conquer challenges and solve exciting puzzles Plus you can continue the adventure by unlocking thousands of age-appropriate learning activities with JumpStart s optional add-on membership System Requirements:Windows XPR Windows Vista? Broadband Inter Connection PentiumR III (or equivalent) 1 GHZ or faster 3D video card with 32 MB dedicated memory w/ DirectXR 9.0 patible driver 256 MB dedicated RAM (512 MB remended) 1 GB RAM for Windows Vist? 24x CD-ROM drive 1.4 GB available on hard drive 16-bit color 800x600 screen resolution DirectXR 9.0

Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces


Item model number: 20768

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Jumpstart 3D Preschool & Kindergarten

相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Jumpstart 3D Preschool & Kindergarten


伊拉克和伊朗邊境地區發生規模7.3強震,已知至少170人喪生,1000多人受傷,傷亡人數持續攀升,現場災情畫面怵目驚心。路透社報導,救難人員徹夜搜尋數十名受困瓦礫堆下的居民。地震發生在12日晚間9時20分左右,震央在鄰近伊朗邊界的伊拉克城鎮哈拉普加(Halabja)西南方約30公里。法新社引述伊朗官員的話說,伊朗死傷人數已升至164死,1686傷。伊朗數省感受到地震威力,但克爾曼沙省(Kermanshah)受創最嚴重,當局已宣布全省哀悼3天。受害者大多集中在克爾曼沙省薩波勒扎哈布鎮(Sarpol-e Zahab),距離伊拉克邊境約15公里。國營電視台報導,鎮上主要醫院嚴重受損,對於奮力治療數百名傷者的院方無疑是雪上加霜。邊境另一邊,伊拉克有6人喪生。庫德衛生官員說,伊拉克另有50人受傷。伊朗和伊拉克數座城市斷電,兩國數以千計民眾擔心餘震,紛紛冒寒露宿街頭和公園。「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)網站也報導,推特帳號news_kurdishh上的現場畫面顯示災情慘重,許多民宅和建築物坍塌,滿目瘡痍,汽車被埋在瓦礫堆中。居民告訴媒體或上推特表示,他們感受到數起餘震。據報導,克爾曼沙省和伊拉姆省(Ilam)學校今天停課。伊拉克和伊朗邊境地區發生規模7.3強震,已知至少170人喪生,1000多人受傷,傷亡人數持續攀升。美聯社 分享 facebook [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Jumpstart 3D Preschool & Kindergarten


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