
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] VIDBOX Stopmotion Studio 4.0


就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] VIDBOX Stopmotion Studio 4.0


[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] VIDBOX Stopmotion Studio 4.0


[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] VIDBOX Stopmotion Studio 4.0


Recommended age: 6 years and up

Onionskin - View previous frames in transparent overlay to help you capture or create the next frame/image

Chroma key & Audio Recording - Using a blue/green screen, you can easily change the background to create the best setting for your subject. Add your own sound effects, voice, and background music to your stop-motion video

YouTube/Facebook - Upload your movie directly from the software with One-Click option

DSLR Camera Support - Create stunning 1080p HD video using Canon/Nikon DSLR cameras with Live View support

Capture images using webcam, camcorder and DSLR cameras. Using the adjustable frame rate, you can control the speed of your video. The Chroma Key effect allows you to easily change the background to create the best setting for your subject using a blue/green screen. In addition, auto capture, grid, and rotoscope features help users create more flowing movements with ease. Improved Storyboard for Easy Editing. The storyboard allows users to view the frames in sequence for easy editing, and users can add on screen text, subtitles, sound effect, voice, and background music. Use the Full Storyboard tool to see a larger view of your captured frames, and re arrange the order of the frames with your mouse via drag and drop. Various Enhancements. The new DSLR camera support allows you to create stunning 1080p HD video using Canon/Nikon DSLR cameras with Live View support. The String Removal, Image Editor and Overlay Frames tool can help you add special effects and create amazing stop motion animation.

Platform: PC Disc

Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 1.5 x 7.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces


Item model number: 4.0

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] VIDBOX Stopmotion Studio 4.0

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2017-11-13 18:26

[記者黃捷/台北報導]復興航空今年1月宣告解散,計算員工退休金、資遣費時,未將補助的交通費、跟飛費用列入工資,其中17名員工認為公司少給,申請勞資調解未果,遂提告要求支付差額合計近400萬元。士林地方法院認為,這兩項費用每月發放,屬於經常性給與,應列入平均工資,判復興航空敗訴,可上訴。這17名員工主張,他們分別擔任航空器維俢員及貨運場務人員,興航解散時,其中4人辦理退休,其餘13人則是被資遣,任職期間除了每天舟車勞頓來往桃園機場上班,還得不時跟飛,隨時檢修飛機及處理空運貨物倉儲作業。他們提出最後半年的薪資紀錄,依照班表不同,每人每月領有2200至6000元不等的交通費,以及平均8000至1萬2000餘元不等的跟飛費用,但復興航空計算退休金和資遣費時卻沒把這筆金額算在平均工資中,以致退休金和資遣費短付,今年初申請勞資調解,興航仍然拒付,只好提告。復興航空抗辯,原本為體恤員工出差,並避免差旅費登錄行政繁瑣,遂改給付跟飛費用,該費用未必是經常性給與,是依工作目標、性質而選派,交通費則會依通勤地區遠近及班制,補助須額外支出的費用,是公司的「恩給」,兩者皆不可與薪資相提並論。但法官認為,復興航空僅有東京、大阪、札幌、上海和福州機場有駐外機務人員,其他航線為確保飛機適航性,皆須維修員跟飛,每人每月皆有被排班,跟飛費不僅和「員工勞務給付」有關,也是經常性給與,不能當作特殊任務性質的差旅費。至於交通費用,員工是為了因應排班制度,只要在早上6點半前上班、晚上10點半後下班者,皆會發放交通費,可視為勞務附加進一步的報酬,也是每月領取,兩者皆應網入平均工資計算,因此判復航應補付17名員工短少的退休金、資遣費共396萬8365元。 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] VIDBOX Stopmotion Studio 4.0


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